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Unmatched African Experience
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Unmatched African Experience

Murchison Falls national park

Murchison Falls national park
Murchison falls national park is the most sought when it comes to protected conservation areas of Uganda, it is noted as among the oldest of national parks in the country situated in the northern part in Nwoya district with a few kilometers stretching into the Bulisa district, the Murchison area was gazette in 1926 as a national park protecting wildlife and one of the world’s most powerful waterfall Murchison after which it was named, the water squeezes its self through a small slit along the rock escarpment measured to approximately 7 meters falling down the hill into the plunge with the loudest thunderous voice, the parks name has been changed at a certain time to Kabalega national park by one of Uganda’s presidents Idi Amin Dada, following his downfall the largest national park regained its name, it covers an area space of approximately 3890 square kilometers.
The angelic park is notable for a number of attractions mostly the great Murchison falls, at several, it was named as one of the 7 wonders of the world and a beautiful thing to experience, the so called big four of the wilderness can be spotted here(Lions, Leopards, African elephants, African buffaloes) initially all the 5 were present in the ecosystem until the 1980’s when there was rampant poaching which eventually led to the decrease and extinction of the white Rhinoceros, however thanks to the Ugandan government, they were retrieved in another location in Nakasongola district at the Ziwa Rhino sanctuary the ecosystem is closely being monitored by the Uganda wildlife authority team in order to relocate the animal species, the Kaniyo Pabidi forest is home to several primates like the chimpanzee, these are most have been scientifically proven to share up to 98% of the human DNA, other mammals of the park include the Rothchild’s giraffes, hippos, waterbucks, Nile crocodiles, bushbucks, Jackson hartebeests, oribi, hyenas, and over 450 species of birds, the presence of the amalgamation of species gives a chance to participate in a number of activities like
Game drives through the well-distributed game tracks of the region, are done in sessions in the early morning, afternoon, and evening time it is one of the few places where doing night game drives is allowed this is conducted in accompaniment of the Uganda wildlife authority game ranger, the early morning drives take place mostly along the northern bank of the river Nile Pakuba, the Nile bisects the national park into 2, flowing and pouring its water into Lake Albert, boat cruise to the bottom of the falls is not to miss, it takes 2-3 hours enjoying the cruise past the metamorphic rocks, on a lucky day along the marshy swampy areas you will be chanced to see the critically endangered shoe bill stock, birding is a rewarding experience expect to see birds like sunbirds, piacpic, African martial eagles, to mention a few.
Chimpanzee tracking in the Budongo forest, it takes place early in the morning following a briefing from the rangers, chimpanzees nest in tree canopies, they are loud and messy eaters it is easy to find them as much as they can be unpredicted, visiting the local women’s group the Bomu or the Mubaku community center to have a chance to interact with the local community members, taking a tour to the Tilenga oil project or hike to the top of the falls depending on the water levels travelers have a chance to hike from the bottom where the boat drops them, hot balloon air safari on the top of the national park is a great amazing experience.
Murchison falls national park can be accessed by air or road transfer it takes approximately +/-6 hours’ drive to reach the destination, charter flights can be arranged from Entebbe international airport or Kajjansi to land at the Pakuba Airstrip or Chobe, and most travelers to the national park may be wondering where to stay while in the national park well there is available accommodation ranging from the best budget to luxury, it can be visited all year but best during the dry season in June- September and January -February to experience the best of the park it is important to park long-sleeved clothes, light clothes, insect repellants and any other items of personal nature.

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