+256700487423 | +256771008829 info@lenatoursandtravel.com
Unmatched African Experience
+256700487423 | +256771008829 info@lenatoursandtravel.com
Unmatched African Experience


Kenya is the historical home of the East African safari, a land of sweeping savannah grasslands inhabited by charismatic megafauna, including big cats, the Big Five (elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard and rhino) and just about everything in between. Elsewhere, landscapes here stir the soul with deserts in the north, dense forests in the west, Rift Valley lakes in the center and tropical coast out east. The result for those on safari is an experienced safari industry ready to show you a seemingly endless parade of wildlife against one of the most beautiful backdrops in Africa.

“Kenya is the country where safari was born”. Discover the dramatic Great Rift Valley, mountain highlands or the coastline of the Indian Ocean with its white sandy beaches. Kenya is also home of the Big Five and you will experience close encounters with lions, elephants, rhinos and many other wildlife. Book your safari to the world famous Masai Mara Game Reserve or Amboseli National Park, offering spectacular views Mt. Kilimanjaro towering at 5,895m. Karibu – Welcome!

Kenya has a total of twenty six National Parks and twenty nine National Reserves. All of them occupy a total area of 44,359 sq. kilometers or 7.5% of the total area of the Republic (582,644 sq kilometers). They range from marine national parks, savanna-bush woodland national parks, mountain national parks, arid and semi-arid national parks, to lake ecosystem national parks/reserves. It is not easy to place Kenya’s national parks and reserves in order of merit in their value of attractions. Every park and reserve and park is unique in its diversity of attractions and no park or reserve resembles another. To a visitor, there is no difference between a national park and a national reserve. The difference is official and technically bases on the establishment status due to the title of the land; and has nothing to do with touristic attractions.

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