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Unmatched African Experience
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Unmatched African Experience

Rwenzori National Park

Rwenzori National Park
Rwenzori National Park is one of the most beautiful African alpine areas, situated in the western part of Uganda along the Rwenzori Mountains It was gazette in 1991 as a mechanism of protecting the biodiverse ecosystem and was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 1994. In 2008 it was declared a Ramsar site.
Otherwise known as the ‘Mountains of the moon, it was named by Geographer Ptolemy because they are surrounded by mist, snow and ice.
Straddled along the equator Rwenzori Mountain is Uganda’s only Block Mountain faulted along the sides of the western rift Valley. The national park protects some of the highest parts of the mountains stretching 65km wide and 120km in length, the national park covers an area space of approximately 996 square kilometers in Bundibugyo district.
The park hosts Africa’s third-highest peak Margherita with the finest diverse plant life, birds, and animals The vegetation cover includes tropical rainforest, bamboo forest, montane forest, colorful mosses, giant lobelia, and big heathers. Going past the elevation point the rest of the park is covered in the beautiful snow-capped mountain.
There are about 18 species of mammals present in the national park including blue monkeys, forest elephants, olive baboons, black and white colobus monkeys, bushbucks plus several others. There is a rich bird life consisting of 200 species some of which include; Rwenzori collared batis, red-faced woodland bird, Rwenzori turaco, dwarf honey guide, purple breasted sunbirds.
Mountain Rwenzori National Park is a perfect blend of beauty, the combination of floral, forest, clear blue rivers, streams, and valleys make it magnificent to pay attention These Mountains are best for hiking and mountaineering experiences a different number of days can be arranged to hike to the summit of Margherita which is its highest peak
The mountain has been climbed by many travelers including some of the worlds best hikers, there are 2 trails taken to reach the summit, the central circuit takes 7 days with stopovers, the Kilembe trail which is accessed in Kasese takes 5 days to reach the summit.
Travelers who may not be in position to hike the mountain have a chance to have a guided nature walk through the forest, featuring different birds as well as cultural experiences in the communities of the Bakonjo tribe who will dance and perform to their cultural songs. The park can be accessed through Kasese. The drive takes about 6hours to arrive at the destination. Flights can be arranged from Kajjansi to the Kasese airstrip.
The park can be visited all year round but is best during the dry season when the trails are less slippery it is important to carry warm clothes, long-sleeved trousers and shirts, hand gloves, a hiking stick, hiking shoes with a good tract, waterproof covers for phones and Cameras, and any other items of personal nature, there is available accommodation near and at the foot prints of the mountains.

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